
New Student Registration Information

ATTENTION:  Parents wanting to register their child for Kindergarten for the 24/25 school year, the district’s new ONLINE ENROLLMENT PORTAL will be open and available for registration beginning March 18, 2024.  The link to this portal can be found on the district’s website under the REGISTRATION section.  PLEASE NOTE:  If you already have students that attend a Brentwood School, please login to your Skyward Family Access Account and look on the left side of the screen for "New Student Online Enrollment" (you will NOT go to the pre-registration website below).  When you click on the blue hyperlink below, you will be asked to enter your name and valid email address to begin the process.  If you should have any questions, difficulties, or concerns please contact Dr. Winiarski at (412) 881-4940 Ext 2216.

**** CURRENT SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS USERS: Families that currently have a Skyward Family Access username and password and are not able to see the tab for New Student Online Enrollment, please contact Dr. Winiarski at (412) 881-4940 Ext 2216.

After you receive an email from Skyward with the username and password, the site can be repeatedly accessed through the following link: 
View text-based website