Act 158 Graduation Requirements

Act 158 Graduation Requirements

The state of Pennsylvania adopted new graduation requirements in addition to our local credit-based requirements that apply for the graduating class of 2023 and beyond.  

These pathways include: 

  1. The Keystone Proficiency Pathway - students using this pathway will meet the requirement by demonstrating proficiency on the Keystone exams.
  2. The Keystone Composite Pathway - students using this pathway will meet the requirement with an approved composite score combining multiple exam scores and at least one proficient or advanced score.  
  3. The CTE Concentrator Pathway - students participating in Steel Center may meet the requirement with this pathway. 
  4. The Alternative Assessment Pathway - students who demonstrate proficiency on a different assessment than the SAT may use this pathway.
  5. The Evidence-Based Pathway - students may gather multiple pieces of evidence demonstrating college and career readiness using this pathway.

Act 158 Important Links

A guide to the details of Act 158 can be found at the following link: 
View text-based website